Patient Isolators


Svensk definition

Utrustning som används för att förebygga kontaminering särskilt i samband med bakteriella infektioner. Plasttält för kirurgiska patienter och immunsupprimerade patienter inkluderas..

Engelsk definition

Equipment used to prevent contamination of and by patients, especially those with infections. This includes plastic surgical isolators and specially designed spaces used to protect patients.

Svenska synonymer


Engelska synonymer

Isolator, Patient Isolators, Patient Patient Isolator Negative-Pressure Rooms Negative Pressure Rooms Negative-Pressure Room Room, Negative-Pressure Negative-Pressure Pods Negative Pressure Pods Negative-Pressure Pod Negative-Pressure Wards Negative Pressure Wards Negative-Pressure Ward Ward, Negative-Pressure Life Islands Life Island