Parovarian Cyst


Svensk definition

En cysta eller cystor i närheten av ovariet.

Engelsk definition

A cyst (CYSTS) near the OVARY, derived from anomalies of the FALLOPIAN TUBES or the BROAD LIGAMENT. The paramesonephric type consists of ciliated cells similar to the oviduct epithelium. The mesonephric type consisted of an epithelium with minimally surface structures. They can be found on the thin oviduct (paratubal cysts) or near its fimbriated end (hydatid of Morgagni).

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Cyst, Parovarian Cysts, Parovarian Parovarian Cysts Paratubal Cyst Cyst, Paratubal Cysts, Paratubal Paratubal Cysts Hydatid of Morgagni Morgagni Hydatid Morgagni Hydatids Hydatid Cyst of Morgagni Morgagni Hydatid Cyst Morgagni Hydatid Cysts