Oxygen Inhalation Therapy


Svensk definition

Inhalation av syre med syftet att återställa fysiopatologiska förändringar av gasutbyte i hjärt-kärlsystemet. Respiratorer, näskatetrar, tält, kammare eller masker används.

Engelsk definition

Inhalation of oxygen aimed at restoring toward normal any pathophysiologic alterations of gas exchange in the cardiopulmonary system, as by the use of a respirator, nasal catheter, tent, chamber, or mask. (From Dorland, 27th ed & Stedman, 25th ed)

Svenska synonymer


Engelska synonymer

Inhalation Therapy, Oxygen Inhalation Therapies, Oxygen Oxygen Inhalation Therapies Therapies, Oxygen Inhalation Therapy, Oxygen Inhalation