

Svensk definition

En division organismer som lever vegetativt som komplexa, rörliga plasmodier. De förökar sig genom sporer och har en komplicerad livscykel. Numera klassas de som protozoer, men räknades tidigare som svampar.

Engelsk definition

A division of organisms that exist vegetatively as complex mobile plasmodia, reproduce by means of spores, and have complex life cycles. They are now classed as protozoa but formerly were considered fungi.

Svenska synonymer

Myxogastria Protosteliales

Engelska synonymer

Myxomycete Slime Molds, Plasmodial Mold, Plasmodial Slime Molds, Plasmodial Slime Plasmodial Slime Mold Plasmodial Slime Molds Slime Mold, Plasmodial Slime Molds, True Mold, True Slime Molds, True Slime Slime Mold, True True Slime Mold True Slime Molds Myxomycota Myxomycotas Protosteliomycetes Protosteliomycete