

Svensk definition

Förstörelse av stenar i njure, urinledare, urinblåsa eller gallblåsa med fysisk kraft, inklusive krossning med litotriptorkateter. Riktat perkutant ultraljud och riktad hydraulisk chockvåg kan användas utan kirurgiska ingrepp. Till litotripsi hör inte upplösning av stenar med syror eller litolys. En speciell form av litotripsi är laserlitotripsi.

Engelsk definition

The destruction of a calculus of the kidney, ureter, bladder, or gallbladder by physical forces, including crushing with a lithotriptor through a catheter. Focused percutaneous ultrasound and focused hydraulic shock waves may be used without surgery. Lithotripsy does not include the dissolving of stones by acids or litholysis. Lithotripsy by laser is LITHOTRIPSY, LASER.

Svenska synonymer

Stenkrossning Litolapaxi Perkutan stenextraktion Extrakorporal stötvågslitotripsi Perkutan ultraljudslitotripsi Icke-invasiv litolapaxi ESWL

Engelska synonymer

Lithotripsies Litholapaxy Litholapaxies Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsies Lithotripsies, Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy, Extracorporeal Shockwave Shockwave Lithotripsies, Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy, Extracorporeal Electrohydraulic Shockwave Lithotripsy Electrohydraulic Shockwave Lithotripsies Lithotripsies, Electrohydraulic Shockwave Lithotripsy, Electrohydraulic Shockwave Shockwave Lithotripsies, Electrohydraulic Shockwave Lithotripsy, Electrohydraulic ESWL (Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy) ESWLs (Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy) Noninvasive Litholapaxy Litholapaxies, Noninvasive Litholapaxy, Noninvasive Noninvasive Litholapaxies Percutaneous Ultrasonic Lithotripsy Lithotripsies, Percutaneous Ultrasonic Lithotripsy, Percutaneous Ultrasonic Percutaneous Ultrasonic Lithotripsies Ultrasonic Lithotripsies, Percutaneous Ultrasonic Lithotripsy, Percutaneous Ultrasonic Lithotripsy Lithotripsies, Ultrasonic Lithotripsy, Ultrasonic Ultrasonic Lithotripsies