Lens Subluxation


Svensk definition

Ofullständig zonulabristning, med ögonlinsen ur läge, men kvar bakom pupillen. Vid dislokation, eller fullständig bristning, förskjuts linsen framåt in i den främre kammaren eller bakåt, in i glaskroppen. Om felläget är medfött kallas tillståndet ectopia lentis.

Engelsk definition

Incomplete rupture of the zonule with the displaced lens remaining behind the pupil. In dislocation, or complete rupture, the lens is displaced forward into the anterior chamber or backward into the vitreous body. When congenital, this condition is known as ECTOPIA LENTIS.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Lens Subluxations Subluxation, Lens Subluxations, Lens Lens Dislocation Dislocation, Lens Dislocations, Lens Lens Dislocations Lens Dislocation and Subluxation