Hypothermia, Induced

Inducerad hypotermi

Svensk definition

Onormalt låg kroppstemperatur avsiktligt framkallad hos varmblodiga djur på konstgjord väg. Hos människor används mild eller måttlig hypotermi för att minska vävnadsskador, i synnerhet efter hjärt- eller ryggmärgsskador och under efterföljande operationer.

Engelsk definition

Abnormally low BODY TEMPERATURE that is intentionally induced in warm-blooded animals by artificial means. In humans, mild or moderate hypothermia has been used to reduce tissue damages, particularly after cardiac or spinal cord injuries and during subsequent surgeries.

Svenska synonymer

Inducerad nedkylning Framkallad nedkylning Terapeutisk hypotermi Framkallad hypotermi Moderat inducerad hypotermi Mild inducerad hypotmeri

Engelska synonymer

Therapeutic Hypothermia Hypothermia, Therapeutic Targeted Temperature Management Targeted Temperature Managements Induced Hypothermia Moderate Hypothermia, Induced Induced Moderate Hypothermia Induced Moderate Hypothermias Moderate Hypothermias, Induced Mild Hypothermia, Induced Induced Mild Hypothermia Induced Mild Hypothermias Mild Hypothermias, Induced