

Svensk definition

Stegrad smärtupplevelse vid smärtpåverkan till följd av skador på vävnad innehållande nociceptorer eller skadad perifer nerv. Hyperalgesin kan uppträda såväl i skadeområdet (primär hyperalgesi) som i omgivande, oskadad vävnad (sekundär hyperalgesi).

Engelsk definition

An increased sensation of pain or discomfort produced by minimally noxious stimuli due to damage to soft tissue containing NOCICEPTORS or injury to a peripheral nerve.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Hyperalgesias Hyperalgesic Sensations Hyperalgesic Sensation Sensation, Hyperalgesic Sensations, Hyperalgesic Hyperalgia Hyperalgesia, Secondary Hyperalgia, Secondary Secondary Hyperalgia Secondary Hyperalgias Hyperalgesia, Thermal Hyperalgesias, Thermal Thermal Hyperalgesia Thermal Allodynia Allodynia, Thermal Hyperalgia, Mechanical Mechanical Hyperalgia Mechanical Hyperalgias Allodynia Allodynias Tactile Allodynia Allodynia, Tactile Hyperalgesia, Tactile Hyperalgesia, Primary Hyperalgia, Primary Primary Hyperalgia Primary Hyperalgias Mechanical Allodynia Hyperalgesia, Mechanical Mechanical Hyperalgesia Allodynia, Mechanical