Hospitals, Voluntary

Icke-vinstdrivande sjukhus

Svensk definition

Privata, självständiga sjukhus som inte drivs med vinstintresse.

Engelsk definition

Private, not-for-profit hospitals that are autonomous, self-established, and self-supported.

Svenska synonymer

Sjukhus, icke-vinstdrivande

Engelska synonymer

Not-for-Profit Hospitals Privates Not for Profit Hospitals Privates Private, Not-for-Profit Hospitals Hospitals Private, Not-for-Profit Private, Not for Profit Hospitals Privates, Not-for-Profit Hospitals Hospitals, Private, Not-for-Profit Hospitals Privates, Not-for-Profit Hospitals Privates, Not for Profit Not-for-Profit Hospitals Private Not for Profit Hospitals Private Voluntary Hospitals Hospital, Voluntary Voluntary Hospital