Leukemia Virus, Feline


Svensk definition

En art (även kallad FeLV) av Gammaretrovirus som ger leukemi, lymfosarkom, immunbrist och andra degenerativa sjukdomar hos katter. Flera cellulära onkogener ger FeLV förmågan att framkalla sarkom.

Engelsk definition

A species of GAMMARETROVIRUS causing leukemia, lymphosarcoma, immune deficiency, or other degenerative diseases in cats. Several cellular oncogenes confer on FeLV the ability to induce sarcomas (see also SARCOMA VIRUSES, FELINE).

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

FeLV Feline Lymphoma Virus Feline Lymphoma Viruses Lymphoma Virus, Feline Lymphoma Viruses, Feline Feline Leukemia Virus Feline Leukemia Viruses Leukemia Viruses, Feline Cat Leukemia Virus Cat Leukemia Viruses Leukemia Virus, Cat Leukemia Viruses, Cat