

Svensk definition

Sjukdomstillstånd med anfallsvis, dubbelsidig kärlutvidgning, särskilt i armar och ben, vilket ger brännande smärta och förhöjd hudtemperatur och rodnad.

Engelsk definition

A peripheral arterial disease that is characterized by the triad of ERYTHEMA, burning PAIN, and increased SKIN TEMPERATURE of the extremities (or red, painful extremities). Erythromelalgia may be classified as primary or idiopathic, familial or non-familial. Secondary erythromelalgia is associated with other diseases, the most common being MYELOPROLIFERATIVE DISORDERS.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Erythromelalgias Erythermalgia Erythermalgias Primary Erythermalgia Erythermalgias, Primary Primary Erythermalgias Primary Erythromelalgia Erythromelalgia, Primary Familial Erythromelalgia Erythermalgia, Primary Erythromelalgia, Familial