

Svensk definition

Örepublik i nordöstra delen av Medelhavet. Ytan är 9251 km2, och folkmängden uppgår till ca 750 000 (1998). Ön är sedan 1974 delad i en turkcypriotisk del i norr och en grekcypriotisk del i söder. Den turkiska delen utgör ca 37% av öns yta. Huvudstaden heter Nicosia.

Engelsk definition

An island republic in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Its capital is Nicosia. It was colonized by the Phoenicians and ancient Greeks and ruled successively by the Assyrian, Persian, Ptolemaic, Roman, and Byzantine Empires. It was under various countries from the 12th to the 20th century but became independent in 1960. The name comes from the Greek Kupros, probably representing the Sumerian kabar or gabar, copper, famous in historic times for its copper mines. The cypress tree is also named after the island. (From Webster's New Geographical Dictionary, 1988, p308 & Room, Brewer's Dictionary of Names, 1992, p134)

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