

Svensk definition

Monarki på Himalayas sydsluttning, söder om Tibet. Landets yta är 46 500 km2, och folkmängden uppgår till ca 1.7 miljoner invånare. Huvudstad är Thimphu. 70% av befolkningen är buddhister, 25% hinduer . Officiellt språk är dzongkha.

Engelsk definition

A kingdom in the eastern Himalayas on the northeast border of India, bounded on the north by Tibet, on the east by Assam, on the south by Assam and West Bengal, and on the west by Sikkim and Tibet. From 1720 to 1970 it was under Chinese or Indian domination. In 1971 it became a member of the United Nations. The name comes from the Sanskrit bhota, the name for Tibet, + anta, end, with reference to its location at the southern extremity of Tibet. (From Webster's New Geographical Dictionary, 1988, p144 & Room, Brewer's Dictionary of Names, 1992, p64)

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