Aortic Rupture


Svensk definition

Bristning i aortavävnaden. Kan vara aneurysmbristning eller bristning till följd av fysiskt våld.

Engelsk definition

The tearing or bursting of the wall along any portion of the AORTA, such as thoracic or abdominal. It may result from the rupture of an aneurysm or it may be due to TRAUMA.

Svenska synonymer


Engelska synonymer

Aortic Ruptures Rupture, Aortic Ruptures, Aortic Aortic Aneurysm, Ruptured Aneurysm, Ruptured Aortic Aneurysms, Ruptured Aortic Aortic Aneurysms, Ruptured Ruptured Aortic Aneurysms Ruptured Aortic Aneurysm