Anesthesia, Closed-Circuit

Anestesi i slutet system

Svensk definition

Inhalationsanestesi där patientens utandningsluft återcirkuleras sedan koldioxid avlägsnats och narkosgas och syre tillförts. Ett slutet system används för att förhindra utsläpp av explosiva narkosgas er, som kan antändas av elektriska urladdningar och därmed utgöra en brandrisk.

Engelsk definition

Inhalation anesthesia where the gases exhaled by the patient are rebreathed as some carbon dioxide is simultaneously removed and anesthetic gas and oxygen are added so that no anesthetic escapes into the room. Closed-circuit anesthesia is used especially with explosive anesthetics to prevent fires where electrical sparking from instruments is possible.

Svenska synonymer


Engelska synonymer

Anesthesia, Closed Circuit Anesthesia, Rebreathing Anesthesias, Rebreathing Rebreathing Anesthesia Rebreathing Anesthesias Closed-Circuit Anesthesia Anesthesias, Closed-Circuit Closed Circuit Anesthesia Closed-Circuit Anesthesias