Vertebral Body


Engelsk definition

Main portion of the vertebra which bears majority of the weight.

Svenska synonymer

Corpus vertebrae Kotbåge Arcus vertebrae

Engelska synonymer

Body, Vertebral Vertebral Bodies Vertebral Lamina Lamina, Vertebral Vertebral Laminas Vertebral Arch Arch, Vertebral Vertebral Pedicles Pedicle, Vertebral Vertebral Pedicle Vertebral Arch Pedicles Pedicle, Vertebral Arch Vertebral Arch Pedicle Spinous Processes Processes, Spinous Cancellous Centrum Cancellous Centrums Vertebral Centrum Centrum, Vertebral Cancellous Centra Cancellous Centras Vertebral Centra Vertebral Centras Transverse Processes