Point-of-Care Testing

Patientnära tester

Svensk definition

Tillåter patientdiagnoser på läkarmottagning, annan öppenvårdsmottagning eller vid sängkanten. Vårdresultaten kommer i god tid och tillåter snabb behandling av patienten. (från NIH Fact Sheet Point-of-Care Diagnostic Testing, 2010)

Engelsk definition

Allows patient diagnoses in the physician’s office, in other ambulatory setting or at bedside. The results of care are timely, and allow rapid treatment to the patient. (from NIH Fact Sheet Point-of-Care Diagnostic Testing, 2010.)

Svenska synonymer

Testing vid sängkanten Diagnostik vid sängkanten

Engelska synonymer

Testing, Point-of-Care Point-Of-Care Diagnostic Testing Diagnostic Testing, Point-Of-Care Point Of Care Diagnostic Testing Testing, Point-Of-Care Diagnostic Point-Of-Care Diagnostic Tests Diagnostic Test, Point-Of-Care Diagnostic Tests, Point-Of-Care Point Of Care Diagnostic Tests Point-Of-Care Diagnostic Test Test, Point-Of-Care Diagnostic Tests, Point-Of-Care Diagnostic Point-Of-Care Tests Point Of Care Tests Point-Of-Care Test Point Of Care Test Test, Point-Of-Care Tests, Point-Of-Care Point of Care Testing Point-Of-Care Diagnostics Diagnostic, Point-Of-Care Diagnostics, Point-Of-Care Point Of Care Diagnostics Point-Of-Care Diagnostic Bedside Testing Testing, Bedside